"She was an artist and her life was her canvas."-unknown

Monday, November 24, 2014

I. AM. BACK.....

as a stay at home mom!  We are making changes, our life was boiling over and we needed to making some time in our life for fun.  Steve is able to focus on his lab and I get to keep up with the Pollies!
Lil is 13 months, and is a daycare dropout...for now!  She and I plan to get in many miles together!
Aub is now in the 5th grade, and busy as always!  I will keep the van full of gas to shuttle her back and forth!
Jamie, is keeping me on my toes!  I hope to get to volunteer more with his class!  His teacher is a dear friend, and we love her to pieces!  

We are thrilled with our decision, but this is going to be an adventure...on a budget!