"She was an artist and her life was her canvas."-unknown

Monday, March 15, 2010

While were away...

The boys ruled the roost. They did the grocery shopping, cooking, laundry...you name it they were in charge. They also had a birthday party for Jamie to go to. Caiden Woody, who is about 6 weeks older than Jamie celebrated the big number "2". Steven was set on shopping for him since he and Jamie would attend the party. Honestly, I think that he thought that I would send him to this party with sissy clothes for he and Jamie to give to Caiden. So, he and Jamie took matters in their own hands and bought a bag full of "Boy Toys"! Before heading out, Steven wrote out directions and put the info into the GPS. He still got lost...however still found his way to the street that the Woody family live on. Once he was on the street, he spotted a house with lots of cars and balloons. So he and Jamie unloaded and went right in. A nice lady took the gift bag full of boy toys and sat it on the table. Steven thought that he would mingle a bit and find Caiden. So then he asked..."Where is the Birthday Boy?" Oh, yeah he got the look..."what birthday boy"... and then he realized he was at the wrong house on the street that he was suppose to be at. He was at a little girl's party. He then politely asked for Caiden's gift back and told the family he will say hello to the Woody family. So, once arriving to the Woody's, Steven realized that Jamie didn't have shoes on...Jamie the shoe fanatic that he is, quickly found some of Caiden's and he was good to go. I laughed when I saw what Jamie was wearing at the party, Jamie was in his sweats...lucky boy, if MOM were home you would have been all dressed up!

Aubrey and I had a blast spending our time together, but it is amazing how much control I had to give up just to leave for the weekend. The boys were on their own and I had no say what's so ever!! It is so good that we have such great friends that can find the humor in our actions!


Chad said...

I just wanted to say good luck. We're all counting on you.

DocG_2006 said...

very nice
right back at you