The tooth fairy came last night. She left Aubrey with 2 gold coins ($2.00). Aubrey was so excited and went straight to the Piggy Bank. Clunk, Clunk they both went. Here are the photos. We did have a great night at dance. So, we are late tonight on everything. After dance tonight Aubrey had to stop by at Aimee's to show her the new tap shoes. She is so excited. Jamie did make it to the doctor and got his shots. He now weights 15.5 pounds, 75 percentile in head circumference and weight, and 50 percentile on the height. The doctor said we can start introducing baby foods now, since he doing really well with the cereal. Tonight Aubrey wanted to read a book to Jamie, I thought that I would add this in also.
One last thing. Oh my your boys, Ash. They are beautiful. We are enjoying hearing from you. I had to post this pic.
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