First off, we didn't remember (Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit) ! We were so excited about sleeping through the night we forgot. There is always next month.
So, this is the picture Aubrey brought home today. Kinda cute huh! She likes everything to be colored like a rainbow.
Tonight Steven took her to Wal-Mart. She was going to look for party gloves, you know the real fancy ones. Well, she took her own money $6.00. She saw the cat that she has been eye balling every visit. It is $20 and Steven said she didn't have enough, so there was a little fussing. Then, she went to look for the gloves and she saw these princess pollies that she wanted 2 kinds of. She had enough for one not two. So, she fussed even more. However, she saw the new Barbie that is out and and she began begging. Her friend from school got it for her B'day and she decided she wanted it bad. Steven had to explain that it was $17 and she would need to save for it. He told her that when she would do some chores she could make some money to pay for the new Barbie. She said ok, lets go home so I can do some chores really quick, so we can come back and pay for this Barbie. Steven had to explain that it takes time to earn money. Steven told her, she could buy the princess polly instead and she said no that she really wanted to save for the new Barbie. Steven was so proud. He said that he knew that she has done a few chores and she wasn't paid for them so he was going to buy the Princess Polly while she saved for the new Barbie. So, she lucked out with a new polly. Now we have to come up with some new chores for her.
When they came home they played in the backyard with Kelly, Andy and Willie our neighbors from across the street. She was pretty dirty when she came in. However, she got a quick bath and went to bed. She and I have a big day tomorrow. We are getting together with Melissa and the girls.
1 comment:
good job Aubrey!!
good job Steven!!
Love, Grandma Marilyn/Mom
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